Friday, November 6, 2009

Lindsay Lohan: My Father is a "Lunatic"

While Lindsay Lohan's father Michael is busy talking to entertainment shows about his daughter and her alleged drug problem, Lindsay is taking to her twitter page to slam her dad calling him a "lunatic."

"My father is a lunatic & doesn't even deserve such a title since he's never been around in my life other than when he'd threaten me & my family...He should be where he has always put himself after verbally abusing and physically abusing people all my life-behind bars," Lindsay wrote on her Twitter page.

She added, "It's so sad to get a phone call from my baby sister just now asking, 'why is daddy doing this?' Through tears. He's crossed the lines & hurt me & my family 4 the last time."

Michael claims to have taped conversations between him and Lindsay's mom Dina discussing Lindsay's well being...or lack thereof, and is planning on releasing them to a news show soon. But Dina isn't going to let that happen without a fight.

"We're going to stop it from airing. He is in violation of my order of protection. My attorney sent a cease-and-desist letter, and a copy of my order of protection I have against him. He is now in violation of my criminal order of protection. He harasses me, and calls my cell phone, which he is not allowed to call," Dina tells People.

This family is a mess. Someone needs to hold an intervention for them. Are you sick of the Lohan's constantly airing their dirty laundry? Or has it become amusing at this point?

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